Retina and Uvea Services

The retina and uvea form the inner lining of the eye. The retina is sensitive to light; rays of light from the outside world fall upon it and stimulate the nerve cells contained in it. These nerve cells then send signals to the brain which interprets these signals and thus we see. The uvea nourishes the retina. The retina contains millions of nerve cells, supporting tissues and blood vessels and may be affected by many diseases.

A retina checkup (and a simultaneous uvea check-up) is essential if you have any of the following:

  1. Diabetes mellitus (for diabetic retinopathy)
  2. High blood pressure (for retinal bleeding, stroke etc.)
  3. Above 60years of age ( for age related changes affecting reading vision –ARMD)
  4. High minus power ( for retinal thinning and tears)
  5. Seeing black spots, thread like floaters or sudden flashes of light

Poorva Eye Care offers the following services

  1. Peripheral retinal examination (indirect ophthalmoscopy)
  2. Central retinal examination with 78D and 90D lens
  3. Retinal scanning (OCT)
  4. Treatment for retinal breaks, tears, thinning etc.
  5. Surgery for retinal detachment
  6. Pneumoretinopexy
  7. Treatment for retinal bleeding, cystic fluid collection, CNVM etc with injection (Avastin/Lucentis)