Eye Care in Children


Paediatric Ophthalmology is an important subspecialty of ophthalmology which deals with eye diseases affecting children.

Children’s eyes need special care as their visual systems are developing. Any disruption in the proper development of the eyes will lead to a life of poor or subnormal vision.

Regular eye check-ups are very important. The first visit should be between three and five years of age. (see Comprehensive Eye Check-up for schedule of eye visits for children). However eye check-ups should be started earlier for certain at risk children and children showing symptoms of eye diseases.

We treat the following eye diseases affecting children:

  1. Refractive error
  2. Amblyopia or “lazy eye”
  3. Squint
  4. Cataract in children
  5. Glaucoma in children
  6. Lid abnormalities
  7. Orbital tumours
  8. Congenital Dacrocystitis