Botox Therapy


Botox or Botulinum Toxin Type A is a medicine obtained from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It has been used by doctors for many years in a highly purified and diluted form for many cosmetic and medical procedures. Medical uses include treatment of migraine, cervical dystonia etc.


Poorva Eye Care was one of the earliest eye clinics to offer Botox treatment. We use it mainly for two conditions.

Use of Botox for treatment of eye diseases.

  1. Blepharospasm: this is a nerve disorder causing involuntary twitching of the muscles around the eye. The cause is unknown. Sometimes the spasm may be severe enough to interfere with normal life and causes extreme debilitating stress and social isolation.
  2. Hemifacial spasm: this is a rare condition in which there is involuntary irregular twitching or spasm involving one side of the face. The condition is extremely distressing and can be treated successfully with Botox injection. However the injections have to be repeated every 3 to 6 months. Permanent cure is only by a difficult type of brain surgery called Micro vascular Decompression.

Cosmetic Uses.

Botox is injected into the muscles of the face with very fine needles to reduce wrinkles. The chief uses are:

  1. Crow’s Feet
  2. Frown Lines
  3. Forehead wrinkles
  4. Lines around the mouth
  5. Poorva Eye Care has been offering this discrete service to our patients for nearly ten years with very satisfactory results. Please contact Dr. Sukanya Mitra if you are interested in knowing more about this procedure.